Vice President for Wellbeing and Community

Committee Role

The VP for Wellbeing and Community oversees wellbeing activities within the Alcuin College community. They will chair the Wellbeing & Community Sub-Committee, coordinating the women’s wellbeing Officer, the men’s wellbeing Officer, the LGBTQ+ officer, the disability officer, the BAME officer, the international students' officer, the mature students officer and the working class officer. They will represent Alcuin on external committees such as;

  • College Council
  • Students' Union Liberation Committee

The position holder also manages Alcuin's Second and Third Year Contacts (STYC) scheme in the run up to and during Freshers' week.

The VP for Wellbeing and Community is not expected to intervene in students' individual wellbeing cases.

The position holder would be expected to check emails at least once every 24 hours, or provide notice when this is not possible.

Position Currently Held by
Prabhat Changlani
Until 31st December 2024